Romance Author Hollie Delaney introduces Victoria Hamilton.

Author Hollie Delaney introduces Victoria Hamilton in her first novel “Meeting”.

Welcome to Victoria's World...

Victoria Hamilton is living in Newport, RI, finally settled after 3 husbands and 3 grown children. The Broker/Owner of a posh boutique real estate company on the Historic Bellevue Avenue, Victoria can buy her lattes, socialize without obligation and allow herself pleasures when she chooses.

Enter James, a new client, a new world, and Victoria’s well organized life begins to spin out of control.

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The highly ACCLAIMED fiction, romance series you've been waiting for

Victoria's Journey

Romance Author Hollie Delaney introduces Victoria Hamilton who believes her life has finally settled. The broker/owner of a boutique real estate company, Victoria can buy her lattes, socialize without obligation and allow herself pleasures when she chooses. Enter a new client, a new world, and Victoria’s well organized life begins to spin out of control.



journal 1

Victoria Hamilton is a woman who believes her life and choices finally belong to her. Enter James, a new client, and a new reality where things begin to spin out of control.

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BOOK two


Journal II

Follow Victoria as her life continues to collapse, unveiling a future she is not ready to accept. 

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BOOK three


What do you do when the mind’s reality doesn’t match the awareness of the heart? Victoria is breaking the promises she made to herself. Feel free to play, but always stay in control. Enjoy, but don’t commit beyond the next event. And, above all, never, ever allow anything into your heart.

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"great read"

New angles to the plot lines are very interesting. A welcome addition to the previous 2 books. I will definitely pick up the next one when it comes ou

"Wow! Loved this book series!"

I bought this as a recommendation by a romance group I’m in and wasn’t expecting much but WOW! I was totally blown away, lol! I love how sometimes you stumble upon a gem that has not been pumped up by media because it was self published and revised, and bam! You find yourself reading until midnight…for my reader friends Victoria, or Vic, she is a strong lead, successful, meets someone peculiar, she sorta gets wrapped up in a relationship that begins this love story that has shaman/vampires in modern everyday life. It’s what I would call a “believable” paranormal story because it’s hidden from mainstream people that don’t experience it. The scenes are hot, a bit of a slow burn but worth the love story. I high recommend, you will not be disappointed!!


I didn't know much about the author or book before I picked up the read. It was an amazing surprise. I could not put down the book once I started, I love the historical aspects and the overall thrill. I continued to read the first series after I finished the first book in a week!

"great read"

New angles to the plot lines are very interesting. A welcome addition to the previous 2 books. I will definitely pick up the next one when it comes ou


I didn't know much about the author or book before I picked up the read. It was an amazing surprise. I could not put down the book once I started, I love the historical aspects and the overall thrill. I continued to read the first series after I finished the first book in a week!

Meet Hollie Delaney

Author of Victoria's Journal

Romance Author Hollie Delaney was born in Newport, RI to Navy parents and grew up in Hawaii, returning to Newport at age 10 where she currently resides. Working as a Broker, Hollie spent 25 years in the real estate business in a historic and charming New England city. Her most influential authors for this series are Anne Rice, Laurel Hamilton, and Diana Gabaldon. 

“This book series began when my years of marketing and my fascination with people mixed. The book’s characters began to tell me a sweeping story of love, romance and spiritual journey as I stood on my back deck in a snow storm. I believe the biggest surprise to me was the characters’ descriptions of Newport, RI, the surrounding Narragansett Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Who knew?”

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hollie delaney 2022